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晋城市鸿辉管业有限公司,占地面积80余亩,项目总投资达1.5亿元,地理条件优越,交通运输便利。 我公司实力雄厚,公司现有员工600多人,其中有30余人是高级技术工程师。公司通过了IS09001:2008质量管理体系认证,并严格执行管理标准,保证产品的优良品质。 我公司主要生产DN80--DN800水冷金属球墨铸管及管件.广泛用于输水、输油管道.以及食品、制药、化工等行业的生产流程管网.可满 足各类行业客户需求。 公司秉承“以用户需求为方向,以用户满意为目标”的企业宗旨。大力引进铸造行业优秀的管理和技术人才,利用本地区的资源优势及便 利的交通环境。严格按照IS09001:2000质量管理体系认证标准.打造一个高起点、高质量、高标准的现代化铸造企业。为客户提供优质的产 品和服务.我们真诚欢迎各界朋友莅临我公司考察合作! Liaocheng jintailai metal products co., LTD ,located in the famous“Hometown of Chinese Foundry。Jincheng Zezhou Southern towns and villages,covering more than 80 acres.the project total investment of l.5 billion yuan,site 10 km away from the Jincheng area,close to 207 national highway and c ity highway,the geographical condition is superior,convenient transporlation. Strength of our company,the company employs 600 people,including more than 30 people are senior technical engineer.The company also passed the ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification ,and strict implementation of management standards,to ensure good quail of products. Our company mainly produces water-cooled metal DN80一DN800 ductile iron pipe and pipe fittings are widely used in water.oil pipelines,as welI as food.pharmaceutical and chemical industry production process pipe network can meet all kinds of business customer needs. Companies adhering to the。direction of the user needs to customer satisfaction as the goal of。business purposes.Foundry industry vigorously the introduction of outstanding management and technical personnel.the use of the region‘s resOU roe advantages and convenient traffic environment.In strict ordance with IS0900 1-2008 international quality system certification standards.to create a starting point.high-quality,high standards of modern foundry business.To provide customers with quality products and services.we sincerely e friends to visit my company co—operation!
  • 公司名称:晋城市鸿辉管业有限公司
  • 法人代表:原小兵
  • 公司地址:中国 山西 晋城 厂址离晋城市 区10公里,紧邻207国道和晋阳高速公路
  • 邮政编码:
  • 公司类型:私营合伙
  • 经营模式:生产型
  • 注册资本:40500万元
  • 主营产品:球墨铸铁管,给水球墨铸铁管,消防球墨铸铁管,市政球墨铸铁管,国标球墨铸铁管,球墨铸铁管件,球墨铸铁井盖
  • 成立时间:1998年5月
  • 员工人数:
  • 年营业额:1亿元/年以上
  • 厂房面积:10000平方米
  • 主要销售区域:大陆
  • 年出口额:1亿元/年以上
  • 公司传真:82726660
  • 公司网址:http://lcstgc.cn.makepolo.com/