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郓城县宏升玻璃有限公司是一家集玻璃瓶生产、喷涂、烤花为一体的大型综合性民营企业。 公司座落在著名的武术之乡、书画之乡、戏曲之乡——山东郓城县。东距济广高速入口10公里,南距日兰高速入口5公里。京九铁路贯穿全境。地理位置优越,交通十分便利。 公司斥巨资引进全国的全自动喷涂、低温烤花生产线两条,高温烤花生产线一条,日加工生产优质喷涂(烤花瓶)5万只,高温烤花瓶6万只。公司所加工生产的喷涂色彩饱和度高,光泽度好, 附着力强。在当地及至全国也是出类拔萃之精品。产品远销蒙古、俄罗斯、日本、韩国等国家。因其品质出色。深受客户青睐。 从企业建立之初,公司就本着“以质量求生存,以效益谋发展”的经营理念,内墙素质、外塑形象。规范企业制度,完善企业管理。把客户的满意作为企业所追求的目标,“诚信为本,不断超越” 是公司不变的宗旨。 公司董事长马洪省携全体员工欢迎五湖四海的朋友来公司指导、洽谈合作、共谋发展。 Yuncheng Hongsheng Glass Co., Ltd. is a collection of glass bottle production, spraying, baking for large-scale comprehensive private enterprise integration. The company is located in the famous hometown of martial arts, the township of calligraphy and painting, opera Town -- Shandong Yuncheng county. East from economy wide high-speed entrance 10 kilometers, 5 kilometers south from the high speed LAN entrance. The Beijing Kowloon railway runs through the whole territory. The geographical position is superior, the traffic is very convenient. The company invested heavily in the introduction of automatic spraying, baking temperature two production lines for the most advanced, high-temperature decorated production line, processing production of high quality coating (baked vases) 50000, high temperature baked vases 60000. The company production of spraying high color saturation, good gloss, Strong adhesion. In the local and national quality is rise above the common herd. Products are exported to Mongolia, Russia, Japan, Korea and other countries. Because of its high quality. Favored by customers. From the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise, the company spirit of "quality of survival, to efficiency and development" business philosophy, the inner wall, outside the plastic image quality. Standard enterprise system, improve the management of enterprises. To customer satisfaction as the goal, "integrity-based, transcend" Is the purpose of the company. Company chairman Ma Hong province with all the staff e everywhere friends to company guidance, to discuss cooperation, and seek common development
  • 公司名称:郓城县宏升玻璃有限公司
  • 法人代表:马洪省
  • 公司地址:中国 山东 菏泽 丁里长开发区
  • 邮政编码:274700
  • 公司类型:其他有限责任公司
  • 经营模式:生产型
  • 注册资本:500万元
  • 主营产品:玻璃瓶生产、喷涂、烤花
  • 成立时间:请选择成立年份年请选择成立月份月
  • 员工人数:101 - 200人
  • 年营业额:人民币5000万元/年 - 1亿元/年
  • 厂房面积:5000平方米
  • 主要销售区域:大陆
  • 年出口额:
  • 公司传真:0530-6412889
  • 公司网址:http://sdhongshengboli.cn.makepolo.com/