湖北万鑫精密铸锻股份有限公司地处世界水电名城--湖北省宜昌市,距离长江水道一公里,三峡国际机场十公里,地理位置优越,交通便捷。公司成立于2003年,在全体员工十多年的默默耕耘下,迄今已拥有资产5000万元,占地面积40000平方米,现有员工200多名,其中专业技术人员50名,工程师20余名。公司通过了ISO9001-2008质量体系认证,拥有400T/1000T摩擦压力机模锻线个一条;新式节能环保的精密铸造生产线三条,硅溶胶流水线,水玻璃工艺流水线以及复合工艺生产线各一条。公司拥有业内先进的生产设备以及齐全的理化检测设备:光谱分析仪器,金相显微镜,一体化温控仪,试验机,热处理连续作业炉等,同时拥有模具中心和加工中心,年可生产各类铸件5000吨,锻件120万件。并可承接各类冲压模,砂铸模,精铸模,锻造模的开发设计与制作。公司铸造主要产品有:各类挖掘机,装载机的斗齿,齿座,铲齿;泵车用弯管;整体挖斗以及各类精铸件。锻造主要生产埋刮板输送机链杆,发动机康B,康C,康L等汽车连杆,泵车用管卡(卡箍),挖掘机链节等各类精密锻造件。同时可根据来图加工,注册商标WANXIN®产品现已凭借卓越的品质远销海内外各地。公司一贯推行“以质量求生存,以效益求发展”的经营方针,始终坚持“信誉第一,用户满意”的经营宗旨,不断创新发展思路,优化产品结构,竭诚欢迎全球的朋友莅临惠顾同谋发展,共创辉煌!Hubei Wainxin Precision Casting&ing Inc was established in 2003,covering an area of 40000 square meters with more than 200 staffs ,located in Yichang city,Hubei,China, only 10kms aways from the es International Airport.We have been awarded the ISO 9001:2008 certification.Now our casting has 3 production lines:water-glass technology ,silica sol complex technology lines&"V" mold,mainly fabricate the excavator and loaders bucket teeth&adapters,pump elbow and kinds of casting products with an annual capacity of 5000 metric tons.With the patent “bucket teeth of Drill rod” and the “Integral bucket”,our brand “Wanxin” products are deeply ed by the customers in domestic and abroad,ing line specialized in producing the scraper chain ,concrete pump coupling,etc.Nowadays,our ing capacity already attained 1200000 pcs per e send us drawings and sample!And we have the top-advance inspection equipment like spectrum analyzer,universal tesing machine,metallography micro scope ;impact testing machine etc.We sincerely invite guests from home and abroad to pay a visit and hand in hand to create a splendid future together!