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南京桥宏亚新能源科技有限公司是一家从事光伏熔断器QHYPV30的研发、生产及销售为一体的新型技术企业,我公司位于南京国家高新技术开发区。南京国家高新技术开发区是南京高校技术企业最密集的地区之一,通过这个平台我公司已引进了行业内众多的专家级研发人员,并采用国际领先的技术生产高新能的光伏熔断器产品,希望能为人类的绿色新能源做点贡献。 我公司的光伏熔断器产品已通过了上海电器设备检测所的检验,并取得了CE、TUV、ROHS认证,已经成功运用于国内外多个MW级光伏电站,运行性能优越,获得用户的一致好评;并在中国移动、中国联通、中国电信等项目中得到广泛应用。 南京桥宏亚新能源科技有限公司将为新能源行业提供一流的高性能产品和优质的服务! Nanjing QiaoHongYa New Energy Science and Teehnology C0.,Ltd is a newly technology enterprises that is engaged in the research, development, manufacture and sales of the photovoltaic fuse QHYPV30. It is located in nanjing national hi-tech development zone, which is one of most densely populated areas for the nanjing university technology enterprises, we have introduced a number of expert-level developers, using the world's leading photovoltaic fuse technology to produce high-tech products, and aim to contribute to humanity's new green energy by this platform. Photovoltaic fuse products of the company has passed the inspection of Shanghai electrical equipment testing, and obtained CE, TUV, ROHS certifications, has been essfully applied to multiple level MW photovoltaic power plant both at home and abroad, and due to their excellent runs, has already won the user's consistent high praises; Meantime,it has been widely used in Various projects such as China mobile, China , China and etc.. Nanjing Geophonia New Energy Science and Teehnology C0.,Ltd will provide first-class products and best services for the new energy industry with high performance products in future.
  • 公司名称:南京桥宏亚新能源科技有限公司
  • 法人代表:陈泽桥
  • 公司地址: 热河南路130号
  • 邮政编码:200135
  • 公司类型:
  • 经营模式:
  • 注册资本:50万元
  • 主营产品:光伏熔断器,快速熔断器,熔断器底座,熔断器夹子,熔断器汇流排
  • 成立时间:2012 年
  • 员工人数:11 - 50人
  • 年营业额:
  • 厂房面积:2000.00 平方米平方米
  • 主要销售区域:
  • 年出口额:
  • 公司传真:86 025 58816856
  • 公司网址:http://njqhykj.cn.makepolo.com/