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永新家具配件有限公司是一家专业从事家具配件生产、研发、销售为一体的生产加工企业,主要制品有:PU自结皮扶手、高回弹定型海棉、PU/PP扶手面、升降扶手调节架、PU椅坐背垫和健身器配件,汽车椅配件及摩托车坐垫等系列PU制品,产品广泛应用于办公家具制造等下游加工制造及多种行业领域。 The always new furniture essories limited company is profession to is engaged in the furniture essories production, development, sale to have for the production of integral whole processing a business enterprise, main product:PU from the knot skin arm-rest, Gao Hui Dan already set sea cotton and PU|PP arm-rest noodles, ascend and descend arm-rest to regulate , PU chair to sit to carry on the back mat and workout machine essories, the car chair series PU products, such as essories and motorcycle cushion...etc., the product is applied to transact downstreams like furniture manufacturing,etc to process manufacturing and various profession realms.Our company owns integrity and the quality of science management system, own a high character, professional development and produce team, own the PU hair bubble of current local forerunner to model a flowing water production line equipments.Profession, devote one's mind, respect-work, practicality, and"presuming innovation and braving to work hard" is the business enterprise spirit and aim that the new furniture essories limited company is always consistent to carry out. 本公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,拥有一批高素质、专业的研发、生产团队,拥有当前国内先进的PU发泡成型流水生产线设备。专业、专注,敬业、务实,和“敢于创新、勇于拼搏”是永新家具配件有限公司一贯奉行的企业精神和宗旨。 质量上我们不断超越和完善,价格上我们始终优惠价销售,款式上我们不定期推出潮流新款,服务上我们始终坚持完善的售前、售中、售后服务.为新老客户提供便利服务,为顾客创造 超越价值。 永新家具配件全体同仁愿与家具行业及各界客商朋友携手一道,共创未来美好明天! 欢迎客商朋友莅临参观、指导、洽谈合作。
  • 公司名称:杨松柱
  • 法人代表:
  • 公司地址: 佛山市顺德区佛山市顺德区龙江镇亚洲国际C区侧兴业路2号(门市:龙江亚洲国际C区侧兴业路2号,即亚洲1号公寓旁边,[亚洲C区2排-54号的斜对面]
  • 邮政编码:328510991
  • 公司类型:
  • 经营模式:
  • 注册资本:
  • 主营产品:PU扶手,PU海棉,网吧椅坐垫,网吧椅配件,转椅扶手,PU扶手面,汽车摩托车坐垫,升降扶手,PU制品开发,家具海绵制造,办公家具配件,PP扶手,转椅扶手,大班椅配件,网椅配件,网椅背架,PU坐垫,PU靠背
  • 成立时间:2007
  • 员工人数:
  • 年营业额:
  • 厂房面积:3000.00 平方米平方米
  • 主要销售区域:
  • 年出口额:
  • 公司传真:86 0757 23229217
  • 公司网址:http://gzyongxinpj.cn.makepolo.com/