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2005年,漫儿第一个手绘包诞生于一个叫GAOZHOU的美丽小城,设计者为对艺术充满热爱的漫儿团队,他们尝试在帆布包上进行创新,追求与别人不一样的个性风格,用色彩、用线条、用奇特的创意去勾勒一个个原本平常无奇的帆布包,或色彩斑斓、或廖廖几笔、或可爱或怪异、或欢乐或忧愁……每一款手绘包都有一个故事,每一款手绘包都代表一种个性,每一款手绘包都融入了漫儿人满腔的创作热情。   一次偶然的机会,他们所创作的帆布包在互联网上被一个法国人看到,她对此绘画精美又极具个性手绘包十分赞赏,同时也十分惊讶这些个性的包包都是由纯手工绘画制作而成的,当即要求漫儿为她寄送手绘包样品,并且要求用相机拍摄手工绘画流程的图片发邮件给她,以便确定那些个性包包就是手工绘画制品。   几个月后,他们收到了一份来自巴黎的订货邮件。从此,独具艺术创意的“漫儿”品牌从无到有,从互联网走向了巴黎,走向了世界各地…… Our Brand Story   Man’er’s first hand-drawing bag originated from the beautiful City of Gaozhou in 2005. Man’er has a group of designers who love art. They manage to create something new on average canvas bags in search of individuality and originality. They paint on those plain canvas bags with various colors, lines and distinctive ideas. Some of them are colorful; some, just a few strokes; some, either cute or weird; some, either happy or distressful. Every hand-drawing bag has their own stories. Each of them expresses individuality, integrated with Man’er people’s creative enthusiasm.   Their hand-drawing bags were identally spotted on the by a French woman. She appreciated these exquisite and distinctive hand-drawing bags; meanwhile, she was amazed that they were drawn by hand. She asked Man’er Company to send her a hand-drawing bag sample together with the processing photos which could prove they are really hand -drawing bags.   They received an order from Paris after several months. Since then, the distinctive brand of “Man’er” has been build up and went into Paris via the and into the rest of the world ------漫儿品牌精神------- 爱我所爱  享受个性之美     漫儿手绘包是个性艺术品,很多样式都是市面上没有的图案,它的美需要你的耐心挖掘、有独到而挑剔的眼光。只有独具慧眼的女人才能发现它的个性美丽,而对于喜爱漫儿的女人来说,自己喜欢的东西是无价的,而漫儿则认为,消费者的信任与爱戴也是无价的。   ------ Man’er’s Brand Spirits ------- Enjoy my favorite things and individuality     Man’er hand-drawing bags are artwork full of individuality. There are no pictures on many bags so that their beauty needs you to appreciate with patience and a unique and pricking taste. Only those women with a unique taste could tell their distinctive beauty. For the fashionable ladies who are Man’er fans, their favorite things are priceless. Similarly, Man’er holds that our consumers’ trust and love are priceless as well. 创意无限美,为悦己者生 漫儿崇尚多姿多彩、五彩缤纷的生活,而不仅仅是直线、地铁、三环线的简单结合。漫儿为消费者准备了多样的美丽款式和图案,而漫儿也为更多有生活心情的女人们奉献更多的生活情趣与爱好产品。 Creativity is brilliant. We live for things which please us. Man’er values a colorful and diversified life, not just a simple connection of a short distance, subways and within the third circulation line. Man’er offers various remarkable designs and patterns for our consumers. We also bring about a wide rage of intriguing and exquisite products for fashionable ladies. 用心体味、感受生活别样之美 漫儿希望所有人都能发现身边生活之美。匆匆行走是一种风景,偶尔停下来休憩也是一种风景。生活是多姿多彩的,区别在于,你用什么样的视野去看待她。 Enjoy and appreciate the unique beauty of life Man’er hopes that all the people could find the beauty of life around ourselves. Walking quickly is a kind of view, while having a rest now and then is also a kind of view. Life is colorful. The difference lies in how you look at it.  
  • 公司名称:高州市漫儿手绘精品有限公司
  • 法人代表:杨绍山
  • 公司地址:中国 广东 茂名 府前北路87号202室
  • 邮政编码:525200
  • 公司类型:私营有限责任公司
  • 经营模式:生产型
  • 注册资本:100万人民币万元
  • 主营产品:手绘帆布鞋,彩绘雪地靴,韩版手绘包,手绘颜料,涂鸦鞋
  • 成立时间:2007-05-11
  • 员工人数:51 - 100人
  • 年营业额:人民币500万元/年 - 700万元/年
  • 厂房面积:1000平方平方米
  • 主要销售区域:
  • 年出口额:
  • 公司传真:
  • 公司网址:http://maner123.cn.makepolo.com/