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厦门豪裕会展服务有限公司是一家致力于促进中国对外贸易的专业商务服务机构,组织国内企业参加全球国际展览,国外考察并提供全程服务的国际展览公司。公司提供大型国际展览推广、国际展会咨询、出国商务考察、出国签证辅导、展台设计搭建、国际货运代理、海外市场推广等国际商务活动。    豪裕公司拥有一支高素质、组展经验丰富的团队,本着以“中国企业出国展览专业平台,为中国企业架设一座通往国际市场的桥梁”为宗旨,不断开发境外有潜力的展会项目以满足不同行业客户出国参展的需求,帮助企业开拓国际市场并提供专业周到的服务。    公司每年代理海外多个展会,业务涉及各个行业,遍及全球,同时与美国,德国,英国,法国,意大利,中东,俄罗斯,巴西等国际著名博览会机构建立了密切的合作与代理关系,为国内企业拓展海外市场提供高效便捷、周到的服务,在未来的发展中争做中国国际会展服务的领航员! Xiamen hao yu exhibition services Co., LTD. is committed to promoting China's foreign trade professional business services, organization of domestic enterprises to participate in global famous international exhibitions, abroad business investigation and provide all-round service of international exhibition company. Companies provide large international exhibitions of international exhibition promotion, consultation, business investigation, a visa guidance, booth design and construction, international freight forwarders, the overseas market promotion and other international business activities.       Xiamen hao yu exhibition services Co., LTD. has a high-quality, experienced team, exhibition in line with "For Chinese enterprises abroad exhibition  to erect a specialized platform, For the Chinese enterprises to erect a bridge to the international market" for the purpose, and constantly develop overseas has the potential to meet different industry exhibition projects abroad in the customer demand, help enterprises to develop international market and provide the professional and thoughtful service. The Company acting many well-known overseas exhibitions, business involves various industries, throughout the world.The Company institutions established the close cooperation relationship with the international famous exposition in the United States, Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Brazil, Russia, the Middle East, for domestic enterprises to expand overseas market to provide efficient and convenient service,e a pilot in china ording to international exhibition service  in the future!  
  • 公司名称:厦门豪裕会展服务有限公司
  • 法人代表:
  • 公司地址:中国 福建 厦门 钟林路12号海投商务大厦
  • 邮政编码:
  • 公司类型:
  • 经营模式:服务型
  • 注册资本:
  • 主营产品:国际会展服务
  • 成立时间:
  • 员工人数:
  • 年营业额:
  • 厂房面积:
  • 主要销售区域:
  • 年出口额:
  • 公司传真:
  • 公司网址:http://haoyu10.cn.makepolo.com/