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     北京联华商汇国际商务咨询有限公司坚持商务以人为本的理念,以细致、认真、完善的专业服务精神服务于行业商家,我们积极响应国家号召,满足出口外向型企业的需要,为企业提供:国际贸易商机咨询、国际商务会展咨询、国际行业会展推广、国际商务考察、国际商务航班指导、各国签证辅导等服务。我们竭诚为企业提供全面细致的外展平台,为企业的环球商展做好外包服务。      百度商机,上行无止。我们时刻为企业提供的国际展会信息、国际商机考察,帮助企业寻找到商机,为企业的发展和国家的出口贸易的繁荣做出自己的贡献。      选择我们选择机会。 Company profile Beijing United Chinese Business International Consulting Co. Ltd. adheres to the business concept of people-centered to serve for the industry bizmen with considerate,serious and comprehensive professional services spirit. It actively responds to national call to meet the needs of export-oriented enterprises, which mainly provides such kinds of services as follow: international trade business consulting, the international business convention advisory, the international industry exhibition promotion, international business trip, international commercial flights guidance and world visa counselling and so on. We would like to devote ourselves to supplying better outsourcing services by providing a comprehensive and meticulous platform for the enterprises to participate in global trade fairs. Searching for business opportunities, without uplink. We would upgrade infomation in every second to provide enterprises with the latest international exhibition information, international business opportunities study,which can help companies find business opportunities and we would like to make our contribution to the development of enterprises and the country's export trade prosperity. Choose us,choose opportunities.
  • 公司名称:北京联华国际商务咨询有限公司
  • 法人代表:fens
  • 公司地址:中国 北京 北京市海淀区三里河路9号
  • 邮政编码:100037
  • 公司类型:私营独资
  • 经营模式:服务型
  • 注册资本:100万元
  • 主营产品:汽配展,工矿展,冶金铸造展
  • 成立时间:2005年5月
  • 员工人数:51 - 100人
  • 年营业额:人民币200万元/年 - 300万元/年
  • 厂房面积:10000平方米
  • 主要销售区域:全球
  • 年出口额:人民币200万元/年 - 300万元/年
  • 公司传真:010-56143733
  • 公司网址:http://yongshi165.cn.makepolo.com/