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 为了您呼吸的空气……        节能  降耗 环保  科技发展     始于1972年的派耐尔集团是美国唯一的全方位服务的暖通空调供应商。有着三十年的空气净化、空气平衡、楼宇自动化控制经验,分公司包括中国、韩国首尔、夏威夷、波特兰、华盛顿、旧金山、洛杉矶、加利福尼亚、内华达州、拉斯韦加斯、圣迭戈、波多黎各等国家和地区。     众所周知,节能、环保是一个全球性的重要课题。     派耐尔国际科技有限公司系美国派耐尔集团中国独资公司。公司拥有一支技术力量雄厚、技术水平、理念创新的管理、生产、销售、安装、售后的团队。公司专业销售3M空气过滤器、空气净化器、通风设备等健康节能环保产品,主要业务涵盖了空气平衡、空气净化、自动化控制系统等行业。产品广泛地应用于机关、写字楼、酒店宾馆、商场超市、学校、医院、工厂等大型公共建筑场所。根据用户不同状况制定个性化的解决方案,可为用户节省高达20%以上的用电综合运营支出,从而限度地为用户提高能耗效益比,降低成本资金。     公司一直以“诚信为本、帮助用户节能赚钱、改善室内空气质量”为使命,致力于一流的产品、的技术实力和高度的责任感为广大用户提供全面的节能解决方案以及专业的技术支持和优良的品质服务,在注重产品质量和效益的同时,更注重完善的售后服务,力求使客户以最少的投入获取的效益。     愿我们优质的产品、诚挚的服务来优化您的室内空气质量,以限度地提高您的能源节约和环境保护。   Company Overview         For you to breathe the fresh air……      Energy Saving, Consump tion Reducing,environmental protection and scientific and technological development.      Founded in 1972, the Pennair Group is the sole supplier with overall services for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. With thirty years of experiences in air purification, air balance, building automatic control, its agencies can be seen in the countries and cities such as China, Seoul in the South Korean, Hawaii, Portland, Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, the State of California, the State of Nevada, Las Vegas, San Diego, Puerto Rico.      It is well-known that energy conservation and environmental protection have e global important tasks.       Pennair International Science and Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned company of the Pennair Group. The company has had a team with strong technological power,advanced technological level and innovating concepts which has specialized in management,production,sales,installation and after-sales service.The company has mainly sold such healthy,energy-conserving and environmental protection products as 3M air filter, air purifier and ventilation equipments which has covered the industries including energy conservation,environmental protection,frequency transformer, air balance,air purification and automatic control system ,The products are widely appiled to large-scale public buildings and places ,for example,governmental organs,office buildings,hotels and restaurants,supermarkets,schools,hospitals and factories.The Personalized solution plan has been customized in ordance with the concrete Conditions of different users so as to save more than 20% electricity expenditure of comprehensive operation,even improve the users′ ratio of the energy-consumption and benefit and reduce cost fund to a maximum degree.      Having taken as our mission“ based on honesty, helping the users save energy and earn more money and improving the quality of indoors air”,the company has been devoted to first-class products and supplied many users with overall energy-saving solution plan,specialized technical support and excellent service by virtue of leading technical strength and high sense of so as to strive for maximal benefits for the users with the minimum investment.      Hope that our high-quality products and sincere services can optimize air quality of your rooms so as to improve your energy-saving capacity and protect the environment to a maximal extent.    
  • 公司名称:派耐尔国际科技(北京)有限公司
  • 法人代表:
  • 公司地址:中国 北京 北京市宣武区广安门内大街广义街广益大厦A601
  • 邮政编码:
  • 公司类型:
  • 经营模式:贸易型
  • 注册资本:
  • 主营产品:中央空调过滤器,空气过滤器,过滤网,空调过滤网,中央空调过滤网,无纺布过滤网
  • 成立时间:
  • 员工人数:
  • 年营业额:
  • 厂房面积:
  • 主要销售区域:
  • 年出口额:
  • 公司传真:
  • 公司网址:http://painaier.cn.makepolo.com/