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希悦尔公司旨在创造出一个更舒适、更安全、更放心的世界。公司在2013年创造了约77亿美元的收入,帮助我们的客户实现他们的可持续性目标,并应对当今的社会和环境挑战。我们享誉全球的创造性品牌,例如:Bubble Wrap 气泡薄膜材料、Instapak因时发现场发泡系统、Fill-Air充气包装系统、Cryovac 快尔卫食品包装解决方案和Diversey 泰华施清洁与卫生解决方案,皆在确保一个更安全、更经济的食品供应链,保护世界各地往来货物的运输安全,通过清洁,改善健康环境。希悦尔拥有大约25,000名员工,为遍布175个国家的客户进行服务。如需更多资料,您可以访问我们的网站在千变万化的全球市场上,企业所面临的产品包装需求的多样性和特种包装的复杂性都是巨大的挑战,希悦尔公司的产品保护业务部门通过定制化的和可操作的具体解决方案为我们的客户一一化解。在绝大多数的行业里,我们运用自身的专业特长来帮助客户实现的包装效果和的生产效率,并同时减少为保障宝贵产品在整个分销链上安全和可靠配送所需消耗的能源和材料。Sealed Air Corporation creates a world that feels, tastes and works better. In 2013, the Company generated revenue of approximately $7.7 billion by helping our customers achieve their sustainability goals in the face of today’s biggest social and environmental challenges. Our portfolio of widely recognized brands, including Cryovac brand food packaging solutions, Bubble Wrap brand cushioning and Diversey cleaning and hygiene solutions, ensures a safer and less wasteful food supply chain, protects valuable goods shipped around the world, and improves health through clean environments. Sealed Air has approximately 25,000 employees who serve customers in 175 countries. To learn more, visit. Our Product Care Division resolves the demanding protective and specialty packaging challenges of our ever-changing world through tailored, practical solutions. Across a wide range of industries, we apply our expertise to maximize performance and efficiency while also reducing the amount of energy and raw materials needed to get precious assets through the distribution chain - safe and secure.
  • 公司名称:希悦尔包装(上海)有限公司
  • 公司地址: 上海市青浦工业园区崧泽大道6988号
  • 邮政编码:201700
  • 公司类型:
  • 经营模式:
  • 注册资本:142.5万元
  • 主营产品:现场发泡包装,泡泡粒包装材料,安全信封包装,保密包装材料,充气包装,食品包装,防潮防静电包装,输液袋包装,收缩包装,紧固包装,邮寄保护气泡信封,POF收缩膜,发泡包装机,充气包装机,清洁产品
  • 成立时间:1996 年
  • 员工人数:
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  • 厂房面积:
  • 主要销售区域:
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  • 公司传真:86 21 39202980
  • 公司网址:http://sealedair.cn.makepolo.com/