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【桐城姚兵塑业】由现任总经理姚兵父亲姚国照于1989年创立;是桐城市最早期塑料包装工厂,距今已经有25年的时间;2001年我们注册成一般纳税人公司,是经国家相关部门批准注册的安徽省中型包装企业。市级标签行业卫生合格单位,《印刷经营许可证》合法印刷单位,诚信单位,守合同重信用单位,是我市标签行业品牌企业。至今已经拥有7年的供货外贸出口经验,质量要求严格,拥有全球众多B2B厂家客户; 本公司主要生产:各类塑料包装、塑料膜标签,套色准确、印制精美; 细分产品有:PVC/PET/PE印刷热缩膜标签,塑封膜;OPP/珠光膜/铜板纸/镭射膜/银料子等各类不干胶贴标签;产量和质量均名列国内首位,并符合欧盟和北美的ZSR标准。 公司位于中国安徽桐城市华东(新渡)塑料城B区,东靠G4212合安高速口,位于206国道线上,交通便捷,物流充裕。本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。Anhui Tongcheng Guozhao Rubbers & Plastics Co., Ltd is a medium-sized packaging company founded in 2001. We conform to the high sanitary standard required by state government and hold the related legitimate Printing License. After a decade’s development, we are regarded as the paradigm company in Anhui in plastics business. We dedicate to offer high-quality plastic packaging and labels. Our products are well-known in the world for urate color and fine printing technics and have always been ranked the first tier in the area of shrink labels and sealing films. Our quality tops the other similar business entities and complies with the ZSR standard required by EU and North America Markets. We mainly manufacture all kinds of shrink film labels, food packaging bags, compound packaging bags, stickers, etc. We have established long-term relationship with domestic and oversea companies and manufacture or export innumerable high-quality products for our client. We always follow up our corporate maxim “customer first and honesty first” and guarantee the best quality in our production process. e to contact us! We are willing to cooperate a commonly bright future!
  • 公司名称:桐城市国照胶塑有限责任公司
  • 法人代表:姚锦
  • 公司地址: 新渡老车站
  • 邮政编码:231470
  • 公司类型:
  • 经营模式:
  • 注册资本:50万元
  • 主营产品:各类饮料标签,桶装水封口套,液化气封口套,热帖防伪膜合格证,自动套标,各类标签卷材,各类不干胶贴标,食品贴标,日化用品标签,桶装水封口膜,防水瓶身标签,双面瓶身标签,不干胶商标印刷,强力不干胶商标,包装热缩膜标签,低温热缩膜标签,热缩膜标签印刷,超市塑料袋,塑料袋印刷,桶身不干胶商标
  • 成立时间:2001 年
  • 员工人数:11 - 50人
  • 年营业额:
  • 厂房面积:1500 平方米平方米
  • 主要销售区域:
  • 年出口额:
  • 公司传真:86 0556 6818759
  • 公司网址:http://shop1382931167178.cn.makepolo.com/