深圳市基尼照明科技有限公司是一家集研发、设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的的国际化光电科技企业,在LED节能照明技术方面拥有雄厚的基础和独特优势,是中国光电科技产业的创新性企业之一。公司自主开发设计高效节能的LED照明产品、LED照明工程解决方案,并为国内外照明品牌提供OEM服务,几年来,攻克了LED在主流照明应用最关键的技术瓶颈,有效的解决了LED亮度、光效、散热、光衰等技术问题,同时在LED照明产品光学系统、散热系统和驱动电路等方面开展相关项目的技术研发、生产合作等。 公司的LED应用产品在不断拓展国内市场同时,已迈步走向国际市场,LED产品目前已远销美国、俄罗斯、德国、日本、加拿大、韩国、中国台湾、香港等国家和地区,基尼照明的产品涵盖家居照明、工程照明及商业照明等领域,家居照明产品有全系列LED吸顶灯、射灯、筒灯、天花射灯、壁灯、餐厅灯;工程照明产品有:LED工矿灯,投光灯,路灯以及隧道灯;商业照明产品有:光源、电器部分、天花灯、射灯、超大功率射灯、格栅射灯、筒灯、灯盘等产品,为家居照明、商业照明、电工产品的系统集成商。基尼照明将专注于创造光的价值,以强大的技术开发能力和产能为基础,以为消费者提供优质的光源、电子件、灯具和的照明解决方案为品牌使命,与中国半导体照明业一起发展、共同繁荣。Shenzhen JiNi Lighting Technology Co., Ltd, is one of innovative companies in Chinese optoelectronic technology industry line Specialized in researching, developing, designing, producing, sale and providing the service in the line of the energy-saving LED lighting. As an international photovoltaic science and technology enterprises. we have the strong foundation and the unique advantages in this led line. Our company independently research and exploit the high quantity energy-saving led lighting products and made the solution to the application for the engineering lighting. what’s more, we have been the good partners for the some international companies and provide the OEM service for them. in this several years ,we have braked the bottlenecks of the most critical technology in the mainstream application of the led lighting. So that the problems for the light intensity, the lumens, the heat radiation, the luminous output degradation etc all the problems have been solved effectively. Mean while, we have been launching the related researching projects and the production cooperation in the optical system, heat radiation system and the power circuit of led lighting products