上海华音实业有限公司[以下简称华音(HUOER)]创立于2005年,总部位于上海浦东,公司在丹麦哥本哈根,香港,都设有办事处和分公司。有别于传统国际贸易公司和制造商,华音(HUOER) 以专业、创新、实干、诚信的经营理念与国内外客户、制造商进行双赢合作,为客户提供”不仅仅是制造商”的服务,为制造商提供“不仅仅是买和卖”的协助。目前公司主要设计、生产和出口各类包装材料制品,玻璃制品,五金制品,商场道具,圣诞装饰品等,进口纺织品,纸张制品,印刷装备,船用家具等。 华音(HUOER)与海内外设计团队通力合作,生产和开发各种高品质产品。公司所设计生产的产品以“绿色、简单、实用”为理念,产品新颖,可靠实用。华音(HUOER)凭借多年积累,已拥有技术专业、经验丰富的管理团队,并取得了一定的成就。随时与客户一起追求更加卓越的绩效,一起面对挑战和变革。华音(HUOER)不断前进,为成为一流的企业不懈努力。Focus on you, enhances your competitiveness, offers exactly what you are looking for.HUOER established as the purpose of Integrating the sales channel, enhancing the customer service for the investors’ factories. HUOER devotes the products sales and services for the investors' plants. The supplier which HUOER acts is not only the supplier any more. Huoer combined the trader’s view and style, offers professional, efficiency, excellences. HUOER works with designers, adapts new material, treatment and processing to develop the new shapes and creative products consistently. HUOER specializes in OEM, ODM production of all kinds of packaging, glassware, plastics, hardware, furniture and decoration.HUOER imports commodities and equipment for customers. Due to the good reputation in the past many years, HUOER established the very good relations with overseas suppliers. Those import business even has gone to the markets of East and South East Asia. HUOER provides with tailor-made sourcing service with customers, ing the bridge between the customers and the plants. Through the effective and special manufacture sourcing services, HUOER helps the clients get exactly what they are looking for by its abundant manufacturing experiences.