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东莞市天方五金(澳美克)电子科技有限公司 Dongguan AMC Technology Co., Ltd. 东莞市天方五金(澳美克)科技有限公司为一家专业生产铆钉(铜、铁、铝等材质)、弹簧、自动车制零件(铜、铁、铝、钢等材质)等精密五金紧固件的公司。 本公司产品适用于电脑、机电、电子、电器、玩具、文具、照相机、首饰、健身器材等行业领域。 本公司运用先进的经营理念与科学的管理控制技术,坚持精益求精、开拓进取、求新求变的不懈精神,竭尽全力、一如既往地满足客户的各方面技术要求及提供品质精良、价格合理、环保可靠的产品。 公司秉持“高效、精进、共荣”的宗旨,我们能为客户提供极限的配合与驚赞的服务。 事在人为,态度决定一切! 品质政策:第一次就做对、做好,将客户高度满意、具有竞争力的产品及时、准确送达客户! 经营理念:诚信、品质、服务、创新;急客户之所急,想客户之所想;努力打造紧固件行业标头兵! Dongguan AMCTechnology Co., Ltd. is a professional production of rivets (copper, iron, aluminum and other materials), springs, automatic vehicle system components (copper, iron, aluminum, steel and other materials), and other precision metal fastener company. The company’s products for computers, electronics, electronics, appliances, toys, stationery, cameras, jewelry, fitness equipment and other industries. We use advanced management concepts and scientific management control technology, adhere to excellence, pioneering spirit, the untiring spirit of innovative ideas, make every effort to continue to meet all aspects of customer technical requirements and provide excellent quality and reasonable price, environmental and reliable Products. Company uphold the "efficient, sophisticated, and common prosperity, "the purpose, we can provide customers with the limits and shock like the service. Depends on human effort, attitude is everything! Quality Policy: for the first time to do right, well, the high degree of customer satisfaction, competitive products and timely, urate customer service! Business philosophy: integrity, quality, service, innovation; anxious customer anxious, to customers are thinking; to create the header fastener industry, soldiers!
  • 公司名称:东莞市天方五金电子科技有限公司
  • 法人代表:杨安全
  • 公司地址: 东莞市东莞市塘厦镇塘厦镇138工业区宏业北10路8号
  • 邮政编码:
  • 公司类型:
  • 经营模式:
  • 注册资本:10万元
  • 主营产品:铆钉、车件、冲压件、螺丝,线材,锅钉,窝钉,弹簧,弹片,锑钉,雨涮器中心钉,台阶铆钉,异形铆钉,线成型,异形弹簧,拉簧,电位器精密铆钉,雨刮小铆钉
  • 成立时间:2011 年
  • 员工人数:
  • 年营业额:
  • 厂房面积:4000 平方米平方米
  • 主要销售区域:
  • 年出口额:
  • 公司传真:86 0769 83487538
  • 公司网址:http://tfwj1688.cn.makepolo.com/